Archive for the ‘donations’ Category

Hire Your Neighbor wants writers.

Unemployed writers.  Under-employed writers.

We just received a $1,000 donation from Canada, anonymously, so we’ll pay.

One thousand bucks.

That’s real money.  Not the 40 cents per article we see posted on so-called freelance sites.

Tell us your story about being jobless.

Write about your impressions of the historic unemployment rate in the richest nation on earth.

If you have any solutions, tell us.  Washington and Wall St. aren’t.

We’ve started a national conversation about this, and we want all unemployed people to be a part of it.

We’ve told ours.

Tell yours.

Tell Americans with jobs about their neighbors without jobs.

Help dispel the stereotypes we hear every day, from pundits, politicians, and even, sadly, our best friends.

Help convince Americans that hiring one of the 25 million jobless in this country is not only about Wall St. or the White House.

It’s about Americans hiring neighbors.  It’s about helping each other through the worst unemployment crisis of our lifetime.

Help keep the conversation going, writers!  Get Occupied!

Stop the noise that goes nowhere by becoming part of the solution.

Hire Your Neighbor will pay $25 for each 200-word article written by anyone who’s unemployed and is brave enough to share their story.

Contact us at: